Celebrant • Writer • Enneagram Guide
In the Media
Like many people Garrett grew up terrified of speaking in public for many reasons — most of all he didn't want to draw attention to the fact that he was gay. After a second cancer diagnosis, Garrett began questioning lots of things including the cost of not being authentically seen and heard. It's still out of his comfort zone to be in the spotlight. However, he believes that if his story or unique perspective can help to spread love in the world, it's worth it.
Demystifying Mysticism: A One Spirit Gathering with Garrett A. Foster
Explore and experience mysticism in a way that makes it accessible to everyone in this One Spirit Gathering hosted by Garrett A. Foster on Thursday, January 21, 2021.
The Gift of Praying With Others: A One Spirit Gathering With Garrett A. Foster & Deb Goldman
During this One Spirit Gathering on Thursday, March 4, 2021, Garrett A. Foster and Deb Goldman share the gifts and benefits of their longtime prayer partnership, and introduce you to a practice that can breathe new life into the way you converse and connect with that which is greater than we are.
Seeing the Gift in Everything: View From the Heights with Garrett A. Foster
Recorded as part of a series for United Palace in New York, N.Y., called "View From the Heights."
The Gift of Community: View From the Heights with Garrett A. Foster
Recorded as part of a series for United Palace in New York, N.Y., called "View From the Heights."
Do What You Love and Spread Love Doing It: View From the Heights with Garrett A. Foster
Recorded as part of a series for United Palace in New York, N.Y., called "View From the Heights."
The Art and Practice of Building Altars: "The Power of Spiritual Artistry" with Garrett A. Foster
Recorded as a "Weekly Service" for United Palace in New York, N.Y.